Zimco Aluminum Company
A division of the Zimco Group (PTY) LTD

General Company Information

In 1989 Zimalco became the first secondary aluminium smelter in South Africa to be listed under the SABS 0197 Quality Manufacturing Standard. Today Zimalco is listed under the current ISO 9001 Quality Management System, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems. These ensure that the Zimalco products and services not only fully meet their intended quality and service but also that they are manufactured with consideration for the safety of all employees and users of our products, while our immediate environment and that influenced by our operations is well managed to reduce the effects of our Carbon footprint.

The company was founded in 1948 and is the beneficiary of many decades of experience and stands out amongst its peers as the leader in technical innovation. It also has access to the most advanced international technology through information exchange with research groups and other international leading suppliers of secondary aluminium. Such expertise and competence provide a sound backing for all its products and it has the ability to challenge international suppliers of similar products, especially in terms of quality, cost and service.

The bulk of the Zimalco business comprises of the supply of international standard products to markets both locally and around the globe. Zimalco also produces many specially designed products to meet customers’ specific process needs.

The Zimalco plant, with a capacity in excess of 30,000 ton per year and employing more than 160 people is situated in the center of South Africa's industrial heartland. Raw materials are obtained from many of the South African aluminium converters, scrap metal recyclers and when required from the primary aluminium smelters.

For your assurance of these principles the Zimalco products are marketed under the world renowned and registered brand names SUPRAL for foundry ingots and SUPRAMEX specialty powders, both of which enjoy an enviable reputation for quality